Estero de Punta Banda: sources




Pro-Esteros. 1989. Aerial photography mosaic of Estero de Punta Banda.

This aerial photography was made during a exceptional low tide (4 March, 1989). From the photo mosaic, habitats were digitalized and a habitat map (including quantification of habitat areas) was produced and included in a document that Pro Esteros presented in 1990 to SEDUE (now SEMARNAP) to propose the estero as a protected natural area.


González-Calvillo, A. 1980. Estabilidad y habilidad natural de autodragado de la boca del Estero de Punta Banda. Tésis de Licenciatura. Facultad de Ciencias Marinas. U.A.B.C. 42p.

This study was set to know the stability of the mouth of Estero de Punta Banda. The model of O´brian predicted optimum stability conditions, whereas the model of Bruun pronosticated conditions of instability. The study reports on the natural ability of autodredging of Estero de Punta Banda and discusses the tidal influence on sediment transport in the mouth of this wetland.


Instituto Nacional de Estadística Geografía e Informática. 1994. Planos de los Ejidos Nacionalista Sanchez Taboada y Esteban Cantú, Municipio de Ensenada, Baja California, realizado para el Registro Agrario Nacional. Documentos de la Dirección General de Cartografía Catastral.

These documents and associated maps and tables show the areas and limits of the two ejidos adjacents to Estero de Punta Banda. They include private properties, comunal land, parcels and expropiations for urbanization.


Leyva, C., Angoa, M., Santos, M. 1997. El Estero de Punta Banda: un diagnóstico para su protección. Informe Técnico preparado con apoyo de pronatura A.C. Pro-Esteros, SEDUE y CICESE. Ensenada, B.C. México. 39p y 4 anexos.

This benchmark report discussed the conservation status of different attributes of the Estero de Punta Banda. It includes information on land ownership legal status, and authority and influence of the different organizations (NGO´s, GO´s and Academia) in the area; it also discusses the problems associated with land and water use in the estero and the different interests to develop the area. A survey was carried out to know the opinion of local people about protecting the site.


Programa de Desarrollo Urbano del Centro de Población de Ensenada, B.C. 1995. Carta Urbana.

This document and its associated map shows land use designation, roads, facilities, urban areas, etc. It includes information on the urban planning context, the legal and operative foundations that were followed to draw the chart, objectives, diagnostic-pronostic, development policies and priority actions, and the operating diagram of the urban development plan for the city of Ensenada (Plan de Desarrollo Urbano del Centro de Población).


Periódico Oficial del Estado de Baja California. 1995. Versión abreviada del Programa de Desarrollo Urbano del Centro de Población de Ensenada, B.C. Sección 1. Tomo CII No. 2. 13 de Enero de 1995.

This state-level document gives information on the juridical bases of the urban development program, the location of the population center, objectives and diagnosis. It mentions that the Ejidos Nacionalista Rodolfo Sánchez Taboada and Esteban Cantú include areas that are important for tourism, that is the most important agricultural area of the region and at the same time these area has the best potential for ecological conservation because of their clean beaches and diversity of its flora and fauna. In this document, salt marsh, mud flats, and the beach of the tip of the barrier beach were precisely designated as protected with passive use ("Protección con uso pasivo"), whereas the coastal sage scrub of the northern end of the barrier beach, salt flats, main channel and the water as protected with active use ("Protección con uso activo").


Arámburo-Vizcarra, G. 1992. Características Económicas y Sociales del Area. En: OEA-SEDESOL. Programa de Ordenamiento Ecológico, Para el desarrollo Urbano y turístico, de la microregión de la Bufadora, Estero de Punta Banda. Reporte no publicado. Ensenada, B.C. 24 pp.

This report discusses social, economic and politic aspects of the region La Bufadora-Estero de Punta Banda. It describes the demography and living conditions of the local inhabitants including health, education, food and housing; it examines socioeconomic aspects of the economic activities in the region and takes in account local, municipal and state development plans, to make proposals for development. The report also present a list of the main sectors involved in the socioeconomic development of the area, and analize the organization, relationship and political filiation and main conflicts faced by each sector.


Rodriguez-Medrano, M.C. 1993. Descripción y análisis biologico de la pesca deportiva en Bahía de Todos Santos, Ensenada, B.C. Tesis de Maestria. CICESE. 88pp.

Between June and November 1990 an analysis of sport fishing binnacles and 324 interviews with the sport fishermen from Bahía de Todos Santos was carried out. This document reports that the capture was made of 13 species; the most abundant were Barred sand bass and Pacific barracuda


Mora-Echeverria, J.I. 1992. Informe del recorrido de localización de sitios arqueológicos costeros en el Estado de Baja California, Sector Punta Banda-Playas de Tijuana. Reporte no publicado. Subdirección de Estudios arqueológicos del INAH. 43pp.

This is a compilation of archeological surveys carried out in the state of Baja California by the regional office of the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH). This unpublished report deals specifically with the inventory in one of the study sectors, from Playas de Tijuana to Punta Banda. Ninety three archeological sites with their location and description are reported, including nine sites located in the area adjacent to Estero de Punta Banda. These sites can be grouped in camps for shelter and work, dedicated to use littoral resources, especially mollusks, although crustacea, fish, birds and mammals are also mentioned as food sources. A species list of mollusks used as food is given.


Paz-Vela de la, R. 1978 Hidrodinámica y dispersión de contaminantes en el Estero de Punta Banda. Baja California. Tésis Profesional. Escuela Superior de Ciencias Marinas. U.A.B.C. 40 pp.

This is a preliminary report on the instant tidal currents and fluxes inside the Estero de Punta Banda. It predicts discharging, speeds and levels of tides.


Alvarez., L.G. 1992. Procesos costeros. En: OEA-SEDESOL. Programa de Ordenamiento Ecológico, Para el desarrollo Urbano y turístico, de la microregión de la Bufadora, Estero de Punta Banda. Reporte no publicado. Ensenada, B.C. 26pp.

The report compiled and analized information on coastal processes in the region of La Bufadora-Estero de Punta Banda. These processes include tides, waves, currents and dispersion, littoral transport and climatic factors.


Ibarra-Obando, S.E. y M. Poumian-Tapia. 1991. The effect of tidal exclusion on salt marsh vegetation in Baja California, México. Wetland Ecology and Management.1(3):131-148.

After the construction of a dike in the southwest corner of Estero de Punta Banda, changes in salt marsh vegetation were documented from November 1984 to November 1986. Detected changes were: increased interstitial soil salinity, reduced soil moisture, increased mortality of Spartina foliosa and decreased middle marsh species diversity due to the elimination of annual and short-lived species. The sea-side edge of the middle marsh shifted its boundary to a lower elevation. By the end of 1986, dominant species were Salicornia virginica, Batis maritima and Frankenia grandifolia. By October 1988, only a few patches of S. foliosa persisted at the water edge, and it appeared that the community was not yet stable.


Garcia P., F.A. G. Chi B., L.E. Garcia P., J. Garcia P. y O. Medina H., 1994. Moluscos no nativos o translocados en el Estero de Punta Banda, B.C.: Una reseña, reporte de nuevas especies y reflexiones sobre la introducción y translocación de especies. Res. X Simposio Internacional De Biología Marina. 126.

This study reports on fifteen species of Mollusk that have been introduced or translocated to the Estero de Punta Banda, directly or indirectly by dispersal after being introduced to a nearby region. This list also include five species of which only shells have been found in the Estero. Most of the species (12) are Pelecypoda and three are Gasteropoda. These non native species, specially the predator Euplera muriciformis, may affect negatively to the native species by means of predation and diseases.


Ibarra-Obando, S.E. y A. M .Escofet. 1987. Industrial Development effects on the ecology of a Pacifican Mexican Estuary. Environmental Conservation.14(2):306-312.

In 1984, the first part of an assembling plant of jackets to support oil-drilling platforms was built at the south-west corner of the Estero. The modified area (0.45 km2) is delimited by a dike. The second part of the construction, covering a further 0.40 km2 , would extend to the south-east and would require some deflection of the main circulation channel. This study began following observations of environmental and biotic changes, the autor´s methods comprised direct measurements in the marshes together with an analysis of existing information concerning fish and bird populations and physical characteristics of the estuary. The conclussion was that the detour of the main circulation channel would introduce major modifications of tidal regime and topography, which are the structural bases for the functioning of marshes and mud flats located at the head of the lagoon. The area eventually impacted would exceed that of construction itself, and would have resulted in a net loss of habitat of about 8 km2, adversely affecting fish breeding and bird populations.


Pritchard, D.W., R. de la Paz Vela, H.R. Cabrera-Muro, S. Farreras y E. Morales 1978. Hidrología física del Estero de Punta Banda, Parte I: análisis de datos. Ciencias Marinas 5(2):1-23.

An analysis of observations of tides, currents, temperature and salinities in Estero Punta Banda is presented. A method for separating the time series of observations of water level and currents into astronomical and non-astronomical components is described and results of application of the procedure presented. It is shown that the astronomical and non-astronomical tidal elevations for Estero Punta Banda con be calculated using observations from the Puerto de Ensenada. Time variations in the non-astronomical tidal elevations and current velocities are compared with time variations in meteorological parameters. The circulation pattern as implied by the distribution of salinity, temperature and evaporation minus precipitation is described.


Pritchard, D.W., R. de la Paz Vela, H.R. Cabrera-Muro, S. Farreras y E. Morales. 1979. Hidrología física del Estero de Punta Banda, Parte II: aplicación de un modelo para intercambio y dispersión. Ciencias Marinas 6(1 y 2):1-17.

A one-dimensional numerical mode1 is applied to Estero Punta Banda to compute cross-sectional average tidal current velocities and tidal mean exchange fluxes between segments within the estero and between the estero and the adjacent coastal waters. Good agreement between the computed time variations in the tidal current and the observed velocities at the mouth was found. An extension of the model is used to compute the temporal and spacial distribution of concentration of a contaminant introduced into the estero as a local instantaneous source. Inputs to the model are distributions of surface areas, volumes, salinities and evaporation for the various segments as a function of time. The results of the model computations are compared to observations of the temporal and spacial distribution of concentration of a fluorescent dye introduced at a position approximately two-thirds of the distance from the mouth to the head of the estero in April, 1977.


Pineda-López, M. 1989. Medición de niveles de D.D.T y sus metabolitos en sedimentos superficiales en el Estero de Punta Banda, Baja California. Tésis de Licenciatura. Facultad de Ciencias Marinas. U.A.B.C. 51pp.

DDT and its metabolites levels in sediments were measured at five locations of Estero de Punta Banda. This document reports minimum and maximum DDT values in ppb dry weight. The author discussess the influence of water circulation on the distribution of the contaminant in the area.


Gutierrez-Galindo, E.A. 1978. Utilización del mejillón Mytilus californianus, como indicador biológico de las variaciones en la contaminación de DDT y sus metabolitos asi como P.C.B. 1254, en la costa Noroccidental de Baja California. Tésis de Licenciatura. Facultad de Ciencias Marinas. U.A.B.C.27p

In this study, mussels (Mytilus californianus) were used as biological indicators of variation of DDT and its metabolites, and PCB 1254 along the northwest coast of Baja California. One of the sampling stations was located at the intertidal zone of Punta Banda. Concentration of these pollutants were found to be under the levels permitted by the U.S Food and Drug Administration.


Martinez-Inostros, M. 1994. Caracterización de Oxígeno disuelto, salinidad, temperatura y nutrientes antes y despues de una temporada de lluvia (Septiembre de 1992 y Marzo de 1993) en el Estero de Punta Banda. Tésis Profesional. Facultad de Ciencias Marinas. U.A.B.C. 42pp.

This work is a continuation of previous studies on the hydrology of Estero de Punta Banda. It describes the influence of fresh water runoff into the Estero on the spatial variation of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, nitrates, phosphates and in relationship with the tidal regime of Estero de Punta Banda.


Acosta-Ruiz, M. y S. Alvarez-Borrego. 1974. Distribución superficial de algunos parámetros hidrológicos y fisicoquímicos en el Estero de Punta Banda, en otoño e invierno. Ciencias Marinas. 1(1):16-45.

Surface samples were taken in six trips to Estero de Punta Banda during Fall and Winter (1972-1973). Results of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen concentration, percent oxygen saturation, and pH are presented and discussed. Also, two studies of the diurnal variation of temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen concentration were carried out. The gradients were more pronounced during Fall than in Winter. In general, temperature and salinity in the interior of the Estero were higher than at the mouth, with the exception of the period with rainfall. Dissolved oxygen concentration was correlated with variation in pH. The maximum effect on the diurnal variation of water temperature is due to the air temperature, whereas the tides affect the salinity diurnal variation; dissolved oxygen concentration is affected by the diurnal cycle of solar radiation and by advection caused by tides.


Ibarra-Obando, S.E. 1990. Lagunas costeras de Baja California. Ciencia y Desarrollo. Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología. México. 15 (92):39-49.

This paper describes location and main features of the larger coastal wetlands of Baja California state, including Estero de Punta Banda. It summarizes each wetland regarding its current status, ecological, scientific and recreational importance, threats to the habitats and their consequences. It mentions in what lagoons tourism activities can be carried out without diminishing the biological diversity, fishing potential and job source for local people of the wetlands. The paper also analizes the existing legal mechanisms and those to be established in order to achieve a sound management of the natural resources found in these wetlands.


Salazar-Pozos, G. 1985. Cantidad de Sedimento drenado hacia el Oceano Pacifico, por los principales ríos de Baja California. Tésis de Licenciatura. Facultad de Ciencias Marinas. U.AB.C. 85p

This study reports on the annual pluvial precipitation over a period of 33 years (1950-1983), and the volume of sediments transported by the rivers of Baja California (drainage runoff) into the ocean. It provides maps of locations of the main rivers, watersheds and its tributaries of Baja California.


Celis–Ceceña, R. y S. Alvarez-Borrego. 1975. Distribución superficial de algunos parámetros hidrológicos físicos y químicos en el Estero de Punta Banda, B.C. en primavera y verano. Ciencias Marinas. 2(1): 98-105.

Surface samples were taken in five trips to the Estero de Punta Banda, during Spring and Summer of 1973. This paper presents and discusses the results of temperature , salinity, dissolved oxygen concentration, percent saturation of dissolved oxygen and pH. The main objective was to know the ecological conditions in order to decide on which species to cultivate in the Estero. It concludes that the Estero is an antiestuarine system, with salinity and temperature in the interior higher than at the mouth during all year, and that in general, hidrological conditions are not limitant for the culture of three oyster species, but salinity does not allow the culture of Crassostrea virginica.


Gonzalez-Ramirez, J.E. 1985.Transporte litoral de la Barra del Estero de Punta Banda, B.C. para el mes de abril de 1985. Memoria de curso de Titulación. Facultad de Ciencias Marinas. Universidad Autonoma de Baja California. 32p.

This report evaluates the potential transport of sand on the outer beach of the barrier beach of the Estero de Punta Banda. Calculations were based upon data obtained with two pressure sensors behind the surf zone. Net littoral transport parallel to the beach was about 309 m3 d-1.


Jimenez, P.M. 1988. Determinación del transporte litoral por medio de trazadores fluorescentes en la parte externa de la barra del Estero de Punta Banda, B.C. Tésis de Licenciatura. U.A.B.C. 47p.

The study was carried out at the outer beach of the barrier beach of the Estero. The volume and direction of the littoral transport was measured by observing the behavior of fluorescent sandy grains directly out of the dispersing grains. The results were compared to those obtained by using waves statistics in order to determine which method is more reliable. The tracer method (fluorescence) turned out to be more reliable, because predicted results fit better to those observed in the field and the method was more economic.


Torrez Navarrete,C.R. 1986.Comparación y análisis de registros de oleaje obtenidos en una localidad al Sur de la Bahía de Todos Santos, B.C. Tésis de Licenciatura. Universidad Autónoma de Baja California. Facultad de Ciencias Marinas.73p

This study on waves analizes pressure data by comparing two techniques: Esteva and Harris (1970) and Lee and Wang (1984). The author gives the computational procedures to calculate the main statistical parameters of waves by using each technique. The results are provided for one location at the south part of Bahía Todos Santos.


OEA-SEDESOL. Torres-Moye, G. 1992. Ecología. Programa de Ordenamiento Ecológico, Para el desarrollo Urbano y turístico, de la microregión de la Bufadora, Estero de Punta Banda. Reporte no publicado. Ensenada, B.C. 36pp.

For this report a comprehensive literature search was carried out in order to describe the current ecological status of La Bufadora-Estero de Punta Banda region. This bibliography compilation reviewed about 180 thesis and 120 scientific papers, regarding different environmental aspects of the region. The ecological diagnosis includes: location, classification and origin, morphology, bathymetry, sediment characteristics, organic matter, general hidrology, environmental parameters (temperature, salinity, etc.), flora and fauna, and degree of environmental eutrophication. Species lists of fauna sorted by environmental units associated to the Estero de Punta Banda and its adjacent oceanic zone are enclosed.


Waumann, R.D. 1998. Macrofauna Béntica del Estero de Punta Banda, Ensenada, Baja California, México. Tésis de Maestria. Facultad de Ciencias Marinas. U.A.B.C. 119p.

This study carried out on February 1996 describes the benthic macrofauna of Estero de Punta Banda. Sediment samples were obtained from 95 stations located along four transects. Each area was compared to each other by abundance, density, richness, relative frequency, importance value index, spatial distribution, feeding regimes, and habitat. Taxa were identified to family level and these wre associated with the preferred type of sediment. The list of taxa included 11 phylla, and for seven out of these, 83 families were reported. A total of 16,274 organisms were collected.


Palacios, E. y L. Alfaro. 1991. Unpublished field notes.

These are unpublished field notes of the authors that have been taken during several projects carried out in the wetlands of Baja California. They include information from 1988 to date and are mostly on birds and their habitats.


Aguilar R.R. 1980. Algas bentónicas y fanerógamas del Estero de Punta Banda, Baja California, durante el verano y otoño. Tésis de Licenciatura. Escuela Superior de Ciencias Marinas. U.A.B.C. 43p.

The systematic and distribution of the benthic algae and fanerogams of Estero de Punta Banda, was studied during summer and fall of 1978 at four sites in the Estero. The author reports 39 genera, and 47 species. Out of these, 19 genera and 24 species are algae; Rodophyta had the greatest number of taxa (11 genera and 13 species), followed by Chlorophyta (4 genera and 6 species), and Phaeophyta (4 genera and 5 species). The most representative algae by distribution and occurrence were: Enteromorpha clathrata var. clathrata, Enteromorpha flexuosa, Rhizoclonium riparium y Gracilaria verrucosa. Fanerogams included 20 genera and 23 species.


Norma Oficial Mexicana (NOM-ECOL-059-1994). 1994. Que determina a las especies y subespecies de flora y fauna silvestres terrestres y acuáticas en peligro de extinción, amenazadas, raras y las sujetas a protección especial y que establecen especificaciones para su protección. Diario Oficial de la Federación 16 de Mayo de 1994. 115p.

This governmental document establishes the rules and especifications for the protection of species. It includes species lists of flora and fauna that are protected under Mexican law with different conservation status, such as endangered, threatened, rare, and special protection.


Escofet, A., D.H. Loya-Salinas y J.I. Arredondo. 1988. El Estero de Punta Banda (Baja California, México) como habitat de la avifauna. Ciencias Marinas. 14(4):73-100.

Between September 1984 and August 1985, monthly qualitative observations of the birds in seven different habitats and five observation sites were undertaken. Forty-nine marine and 20 terrestial species were recorded. Considering the habitats, 30 species were recorded in the lower saltmarsh and mud-flats, 27 species in the upper saltmarsh, 23 in sand dunes, 22 at the water surface of the dike, 21 in the midle saltmarsh, and 18 on the water surface outside the dike. The largest numbers of species was recorded at the head of the Estero (44).


Zembal, R. and B. Massey. 1981. A census of the light-footed Clapper Rail in California. Western birds. 12:87-99.

Fifteen southern California saltmarshes were censused during the period from March 26 to June 13, 1980. Surveys were done by listening to spontaneous vocalizations of the rails at dusk and plotting locations of calling pairs on a map. This study resulted in an estimate of 203 pairs of nesting Light-footed clapper rail. An examination of the status of the Light-footed clapper rail in Baja California, México was begun during spring 1981. The authors censused no more than one-forth of the suitable habitat at Estero de Punta Banda, and heard 68 pairs Clapper rail, and less than one-fifth of the saltmarsh at Bahía de San Quintín and heard 107 pairs. Projection of these partial counts yields a rough minimum estimate of 800 pairs of Clapper rails residing in the two saltmarshes.


Palacios, E., L. Alfaro and G.W. Page. 1994. Distribution and abundance of breeding Snowy Plovers on the Pacific coast of Baja California. Journal of Field Ornithology. 65(4):490-497.

The breeding population of Snowy Plovers (Charadrius alexandrinus) was surveyed along the Pacific coast of Baja California from 1991 to 1992. All accesible potential breeding sites from Tijuana to Cabo San Lucas were covered. The 1344 adult Snowy Plovers counted were mostly distributed (88% of the total Baja California population) at the four main coastal wetland complexes of the peninsula: Bahía San Quintín, Laguna Ojo de Liebre-Guerrero Negro, Laguna San Ignacio and Bahia Magdalena. The habitats harboring the largest numbers of birds were barrier beaches and salt flat. It si concluded that the number of Snowy Plovers on the peninsula of Baja California likely represents at least 50% of the total population nesting on the west coast of North America.


Page, W.G., E. Palacios, L. Alfaro, S. Gonzalez, L.E. Stenzel and M. Jungers. 1997. Numbers of wintering shorebirds in coastal wetlands of Baja California, México. Journal of Field Ornithologist. 68(4):562-574.

Point Reyes Bird Observatory organized a broad survey to quantify the importance of specific wetlands to wintering and migratory shorebirds in western North America. In wetlands along the west coast of Baja California, México, 354,905 shorebirds were estimated present in winter based on ground and air surveys between January 1991 and January 1994. The Laguna Ojo de Liebre/Guerrero Negro wetland complex held many more wintering shorebirds than any other Baja California site.


Palacios, E. 1992. Anidación del Gallito Marino Californiano (Sterna antillarum) en Baja California: su relación con gradientes ambientales y de disturbio, e implicaciones para el manejo. Tésis de Maestría. CICESE. Ensenada, B.C. 90pp.

The breeding status and habitat selection of the California Least Tern was studied in four colonies of Baja California during 1989 and 1990. In 1991, a survey of its breeding population was done and 250 breeding pairs were found in the state. It was confirmed that the breeding functional unit of this species is the congregation (more than one nesting site was found at each wetland). Natural disturbances such as high tides and predators may destroy 15-69% of the nests, whereas human disturbance, such as all-terrain vehicles on the nesting sites, can destroy 88-100% of the nests, and it is the disturbance to be managed. The preferred breeding habitat for the species was a combination of open and vegetated areas, moderate cover of debris, and the presence of landmarks close to the nest. Barrier beaches were considered optimum habitat, whereas flats subject to flooding were suboptimal breeeding habitats. The document includes a list of known Least Tern colonies along the peninsula of Baja California.


Rosales-Casian, J.A. 1997. Estructura de la comunidad de peces y el uso de los ambientes de bahías, lagunas y costa abierta en el Pacífico norte de Baja California. Tésis Doctoral. CICESE. Ensenada. 201pp.

From April 1992 to September 1995, the nearshore fish community in Bahía de Todos Santos, Estero de Punta Banda, Bahía de San Quintín and the Costa de San Quintín, Baja California, México was studied. A total of 1,370 samples were made using beam-trawl, otter-trawl, beach seine, gill-net and hook-and-line. The overall collected fish was 30,990. 110 species belonging to 65 genera and 47 families were identified. In Bahía de Todos Santos 64 species were found, 55 from Estero de Punta Banda, 64 in Bahía de San Quintín and 67 species from the Costa de San Quintín. The most abundant species from Estero de Punta Banda was Deepbody anchovy (Anchoa compressa) (31.7%), Kelp bass (Palabrax clathratus) (13.3%), Topsmelt (Atherinops affinis) (7.77%) and California halibut (Paralichthys californicus) (7.57%). The most important commercial and recreative specie was California halibut (Paralichthys californicus), Kelp bass (Palabrax clathratus) and Barred sand bass (Palabrax nebulifer).


Hammann, M.G. y J.A. Rosales-Casian. 1990. Taxonomía y estructura de la comunidad de peces del Estero de Punta Banda y Bahía de Todos Santos, Baja California, México. Cap. 6: 153-192. En: Rosa-Vélez J. De la y F. González-Farias (eds). Temas de Oceanografía Biológica en México. U.A.B.C. Ensenada. 337pp.

This is a review of recent studies that have been done in Mexico, regarding coastal lagoons and fish community structure, especially studies done in Bahía de Todos Santos and Estero de Punta Banda. The paper reports 120 species of fish for the system Bahía de Todos Santos-Estero de Punta Banda. Out of these 120 species, 82 were found in Bahía de Todos Santos, 36 in Estero de Punta Banda and 13 in the rocky intertidal. Icthyoplankton was also collected and 72 species were identified. The most abundant fish species for the Estero de Punta Banda were Paralichthys californicus (38.4%) and Roncador stearnsii (35.0%).


Pro-Esteros. 1990. Estudio para declarar el "Estero de Punta Banda" Area Natural Protegida. Documento presentado ante las autoridades federales de la SEDUE, 27 Abril, 1990. Ensenada, B.C., México. 58 pp.

This is a proposal presented by Pro Esteros before SEDUE (now SEMARNAP) to try to get federal protected status for Estero de Punta Banda. The proposal includes a habitat map, area to be protected, physical and biological characteristics, species lists, historical and cultural information, socio-economic aspects of the area, legal aspects of land ownership and on-site research activities that were being done at that time.


Jaime, P.I. 1985. Mamíferos pequeños (Sciuridae y Geomyidae) asociados a los cultivos del valle de Maneadero, Ensenada, B.C. Tésis de Licenciatura. Escuela Superior de Ciencias Biológicas. U.A.B.C. 28p.

A study conducted in Maneadero Valley between September 29 to December 1984, reports Spermophylus beecheyi y Thomomys umbrinus asociated the first one to the olive orchards and corn crops , the second one asociated to forage and vegetable crops.


Montaño, R.S. 1985. Identificación de roedores asociados (Familias Cricetidae, Heteromyidae y Muridae) a los cultivos en el valle de el Maneadero, Ensenada, B. C. Tésis de Licenciatura. Escuela Superior de Ciencias Biológicas. U.A.B.C. 51p

Between September to November 1984 a study identify the presence of Rattus rattus, Peromyscus maniculatus, Neotoma fuscipes, Perognathus sp. y Mus musculus asociated to barley crops and olive orchards. Observation of the adyacent vegetation was taken as its relation between type of vegetation and rodents asociated. Results were 37 rodents. Rattus rattus y Peromyscus maniculatus were the most abundant rodents. The 95.24% of the captures was asociated to olive orchards and 4.76% to barley crops and olive orchards.


Mellink, E. Sometido en 1998. Patrones y problemas de conservación de los vertebrados silvestres en el mediterráneo Bajacaliforniano. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural. 22 pp.

This is a review of the distribution of vertebrates in the Mediterranean Region of Baja California, Mexico. Based on distributional limits of vertebrate species the author establishes the southermost limit of the Mediterranean Region in Baja California. It discusses conservation problems of the fauna, and especially for those endemic species.


Aguilar R.R. 1982. Identificación y distribución de las algas marinas del Estero de Punta Banda, Baja California, México. Ciencias Marinas. 8(1):78-87.

This study on the systematic and distribution of the benthic algae of the Estero de Punta Banda, B.C., was done during 1978-1979 by sampling four study sites. It found 20 genera, 26 species and 2 varieties. Rodophyta had the greatest number of species (14 species), followed by Chlorophyta (7 species), and Phaeophyta (5 species). Eleven out of 26 species are cosmopolitan or widely distributed in the temperate-warm waters of the Northern Hemisphere.


Velasco, M. 1987. Concentración de fosfato disuelto en el agua intersticial de la planicie de inundación de la laguna costera "Estero de Punta Banda" Baja California, México. Tésis de Licenciatura. Facultad de Ciencias Marinas . U.A.B.C.. Ensenada, B.C. 64 pp.

During three summer days, dissolved phosphate concentration in the interstitial water of the tidal flat of the Estero was determined. For this study, the Estero was divided in three zones: head, intermediate and mouth. Samples were taken every kilometer from the head to the mouth of the Estero. The results did not show a distributional pattern, but phosphate concentrations in the interstitial water were higher than in the water column. Phosphate concentrations in the interstitial water at the head and mouth of the Estero were higher than in the middle part of the Estero.


Silva, J.L. 1990. Dinámica del nitrógeno a través de la interfase sedimento-agua en el Estero de Punta Banda, B.C. Tésis de Licenciatura. Facultad de Ciencias Marinas. U.A.B.C. Ensenada, B.C. 46pp.

During a five months period, in situ samples were taken in the Estero in order to measure flux and concentration of nitrate and nitrite, organic nitrogen, and ammonia, in the sedimentwater column interphase, as well as temperature and dissolved oxygen in the water column. Ammonia flux was not correlated neither with temperature nor with dissolved oxygen. A great variation of nitrate and nitrite flux was found in the sediments of the Estero.


Sánchez, J.L. 1978. Distribución superficial de nutrientes en un ciclo anual en el Estero de Punta Banda, Baja California Norte. Tésis de Licenciatura. Escuela Superior de Ciencias Marinas. U.A.B.C. Ensenada, B.C.30pp.

Eight surface sampling sessions of nutrients (phosphates, nitrates and silicates) were carried out in order to know its distribution within an annual cycle. Highest nutrient concentrations were measured during summer, at the mouth of the Estero, with a tendency to decline towards the winter and increase in spring. It is concluded that the Estero is a fertile lagoon with a higher nutrient availability at the head of the lagoon.


Millán, N. E. 1981. Variabilidad temporal y espacial del fitoplancton y su productividad orgánica en una laguna costera. Tésis de Licenciatura. Escuela Superior de Ciencias Marinas. U.A.B.C. 82 pp.

During the summer of 1979, time series for several parameters of the phytoplankton were generated at two sites, at the head and at the mouth of the Estero de Punta Banda. Parameters included sea level, salinity, temperature, chlophyllaa a, b, c, and their phaeophytins, phytoplankton abundance and its productivity. The results showed that phytoplankton abundance at the head was lower than at the mouth of the Estero; diatoms was the most important group in both sites; chlorophylla a concentration at the head was lower than at the mouth, whereas chlorophylla b and c were higher than at the mouth. Primary productivity at the mouth was higher than at the head of the Estero. It is concluded that diurnal and semidiurnal tides, and the diurnal cycle of solar irradiation were the main physical factors influencing the temporal variation of these ecological properties in the Estero.


Millán, N. E. y R. Millán. 1987. Composición y variabilidad del fitoplancton a finales de primavera, 1985 en el Estero de Punta Banda, Baja California, México. Ciencias Marinas 13(4):21-34.

A phytoplankton time series was generated during 8-12 May, 1995 in Estero de Punta Banda. The highest chlorophyll a concentrations showed an inverse behavior to the maximum values of the total phytoplankton, corresponding to the greatest tide level. The authors recorded a total of 28 genera (18 diatoms, 9 dinoflagellates and one silicoflagellate). The nanoplankton group of organisms smaller than 10µ was the one with the most abundant organisms during the time series. The genera Rhizosolenia sp., Nitzschia sp., Chaetoceros sp., and Prorocentrum sp. showed a broader temporal distribution.


Siqueiros, D., S.E. Ibarra-Obando y M. Poumián. 1991. Composición y estructura de las asociaciones de diatomeas bentónicas del Estero de Punta Banda en otoño de 1983 y 1986. Ciencias Marinas, 17(1):119-138.

The association structure of benthic diatoms in the low marsh sediments of Estero de Punta Banda was analyzed during autumn 1983 and 1986. A total of 253 taxa were determined, the most important were: Nitszchia punctata, Nitszchia frustulum v. perminuta, Nitszchia granulata, Denticulata subtilis y Amphora sp. 1. The diversity (measured by H', 1-1 and REDI indexes) was high indicating a stable environment. Species richness and diversity in 1986 were higher than in 1983. Similarity between samples (SIMI) showed a marked patchy distribution. Due to the distinct physical characterictic of each sampling station, diatoms associations should be considered independently.


Mulroy, T.W., P. W. Rundel and P. A. Bowler. 1979. The vascular flora of Punta Banda, Baja California Norte, Mexico. Madroño 26:69-26.

This paper reports on the vegetation of the peninsula of Punta Banda, including the results of six years of sampling. It provides a species list of vegetation considering relevant floristic and phytogeographic aspects. The study area includes only the area of the peninsula covered by chaparral and coastal sage scrub (32 km2). A total of 258 species, 181 genera and 58 families are listed. Of these, 81% (208) are native, out of which 5% are typical of coastal sage scrub and coastal chaparral; 17% have a wide distributional range along the Pacific coast; 11% are desert species; 15% are endemic of the San Diegan and Martirensis transitional zone; 5% are cosmopolitan (weed and ruderal species); and 1% are species typical of coastal cliffs that extend up to northern California. The absence of several species from Islas Todos Santos on the Punta Banda peninsula suggests that the endemic species of Punta Banda are relicts rather than recently originated species.


Johnson, F.A. 1977. A survey of the strand and dune vegetation along the Pacific and southern gulf coasts of Baja California, Mexico. Journal of Biogeography. 7:83-99.

One hundred and twenty plants species were collected on the dunes along the 1400 Km-long western coast of the peninsula of Baja California, México. At sixteen of the thirty-two sampled locations between Tijuana, B.C. and La Paz, B.C.S., transects were made at right angles to the shore to record cover and zonation of these species. Abronia maritima, was found along the entire coast and it was the major foredune-builder throughout most of its range. The ranges of most of the others species fall into one of the three groups corresponding to regions of inland vegetation and to Köppen climatic types of semi-arid (BS) south to 30°N, arid (BW) in the central part, and aris tropical (BSh) south of 30°N. Within each region the vegetation on dunes inmediately above the beach is more uniform than that on the backdunes, where the shrubby vegetation varies acording to the degree of surface stabilization.


OEA-SEDESOL. Espejel, I. 1992. Flora y vegetación. Programa de Ordenamiento Ecológico, Para el desarrollo Urbano y turístico, de la microregión de la Bufadora, Estero de Punta Banda. Reporte no publicado. Ensenada, B.C. 25pp.

This is a database of flora (including fungi and lichens) and its associated habitats that occur in La Bufadora-Estero de Punta Banda region. The database, created with the CONSERVA program, drew information from the literature, regional herbaria, personal communications and recent collected material. A comprehensive literature research on vegetation type, use and distribution for each species was carried out and assigned to each species in the database..


OEA-SEDESOL. Escofet, A. 1992. Fauna Costera. Programa de Ordenamiento Ecológico, Para el desarrollo Urbano y turístico, de la microregión de la Bufadora, Estero de Punta Banda. Reporte no publicado. Ensenada, B.C. 44pp.

This annex is part of a larger document dealing with land use and designation of La Bufadora-Estero de Punta Banda region. It includes a species list of coastal fauna, its status and its associated habitats located above the lowest tide. Status categories included not only the traditional ones such as endangered and threatened, but also those categories that are necessary for management, such as medicinal, ritual, key species, etc. A total of 335 species of coastal fauna was documented and grouped into different assemblages according to the environmental units of the area. Out of the 335 species, 166 were invertebrates, 120 birds, 29 mammals, 15 reptiles, three fish and two amphibia. The report includes one endemic species (bird), four endangered species (birds), 12 species of special concern (birds and amphibia), two key species (invertebrates), three vulnerable species (fish and invertebrates), two species of medicinal use (reptile), 26 game species (birds and mammals), 98 species of recreational-educational use, two species used for bait (invertebrates), five edible species (fish and invertebrates) and 67 species of scientific interest (birds).


Palacios, E., A. Escofet y D.H. Loya-Salinas. 1991. El Estero de Punta Banda, B.C., México como eslabón del "corredor del Pacifico": Abundancia de aves playeras.Ciencias Marinas.17(3):109-131.

Thirteen shorebird species and 5683 individuals were recorded at Estero de Punta Banda from October 1988 to April 1989 in three soft-bottom habitats bordering the northern tip of the sand bar,open beach (seven species; 1310 individuals), mud-flats (13 species; 3958 individuals), terminal beach (five species; 239 individuals) and a semi-protected seasonal pond at the southwest corner of the estuary (two species; 146 individuals). For the first time quantitative data and evidence of the role of Estero de Punta Banda along the Pacific Flyway are offered in this study. This paper show that the patchiness of habitats is important for the mantainance of species richness and for the conservation of migratory process as well.



Meza Garcia J. L. 1988. Artrópodos depredadores (Arachnida e Insecta) de los agroecosistemas del Ejido Sánchez Taboada Ensenada, Baja California. Tésis de Licenciatura. Escuela Superior de Ciencias. UABC. 90 pp.

This work was carried out on the alfalfa and corn field and olive orchards of Ejido Sánchez Taboada. Forty eight taxa of predator arthropoda were identified, of which 35% were predator insects and 65% were spiders. The study was supplemented with field observations and from the literature. It provides a field guide that includes habitat, microhabitat, feeding habits, reproduction and distribution. Specimen are found in the Colección Entomológica of Facultad de Ciencias of UABC, in Ensenada, B.C.


Moran, Reid. 1978. Dudleya campanulata a new species from Baja California. Cactus and succulent Journal. Vol. L, 20-22.

A description of the main features for this new species, plus type locality ,distribution and photography.
