“Tiburones Dorados de Bahía de los Ángeles” Photography Club.
They started:
October, 2015Club members:
10 young boysPopulated:
Bahía de los Ángeles, B.C.

How we got started
Nature photography is an activity that can be done by people of all ages, with the purpose of showing the public the beauty of natural areas, and thus promote awareness and their conservation. That is why the photographer José Arce Smith (El Güero), in collaboration with Pro Esteros and CONANP Bahía de los Ángeles, developed the Photography Project “Tiburones Dorados de Bahía de los Ángeles”. The Club started with 10 children belonging to the 6th grade of Primary School.
But we also seek that the children through photography, learn about the natural resources of their community, develop a sense of responsibility for the care of the environment, acquire the necessary skills to express their own ideas and concerns through digital photography so that it is they who show us the natural beauty of Bahía de los Ángeles.
Financing projects for the club
- FONDEADORA crowdfunding platform (June-August 2016).
- Naturalista, platform for the observation of flora and fauna of the National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (CONABIO), from November 2016 to April 2017.
- Project in Fondo Acción Solidaria (FASOL, 2017).
Club members
The Photography Club is currently integrated by: Esteban, Fernanda, Gabriela, Gael, Hiroshi, Iván, Ivana, Joseph, José Ángel, Sebastián, Yael y Yarley y son liderados por José Arce “El Güero”, enthusiasts that began their activities in October 2015, during the National Week for Conservation organized by CONANP and continue to work and learn thanks to all who have supported this beautiful initiative of José Arce Smith.
Activities carried out by the Club
- Trip to Punta Arena and the estuary La Mona (El Rincón, Bahía de los Ángeles) during the National Week for Conservation 2015 organized by CONANP.
- Trip to the Mission of San Francisco de Borja Ádac, December, 2015.
- Camping trip to Estero La Gringa, May, 2016.
- First photography exhibition in the city of Ensenada, B.C., September, 2016.
- Trip to the Sierra San Pedro Mártir National Park, September, 2016.
- Visit to the Peninsular Pronghorn camp and sighting of the Gray whale in Laguna Ojo de Liebre, Guerrero Negro, February, 2017.
- Photography workshop in Bahía de los Ángeles, April, 2017.
- Photographic exhibition in the community, result of the photography workshop, April, 2017.
- Second photographic exhibition “Pescadores de Momentos” in the city of Ensenada, B.C. as part of the activities of the Baja SeaFood Expo 2017, at the Caracol Science Museum.
- Photographic exhibition at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City, August 2018.
- We are still working…
Who have supported us.
- 62 people(fondeadora).
- CONANP with the reserves of Bahía de los Ángeles, the Valle de los Cirios Flora and Fauna Protection Area and Sierra San Pedro Mártir National Park.
- Mexican Fund for the Conservation of Nature A.C. (FMCN).
- Pro Esteros, A.C.
- Pro Natura Noroeste, A.C.
- Terra Peninsular, A.C.
- COBI, A.C.
- Taller Ciruela
- La Covacha Forum / Gallery
- Baja SeaFood Expo Board
- Deputy Rocío López Gorosave
- Caracol Science Museum
- Universidad Iberoamericana
Trip to Punta Arena and the estuary La Mona.
see more photos