Pro Esteros A.C.
We are a nonprofit citizen organization working to achieve conservation of wetlands by balancing development and protection of the environment for the benefit of present and future generations. We are located in Ensenada Baja California, Mexico, and we work mainly in the northwestern part of the country.
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Blog dedicated to the dissemination of environmental conservation issues and to the activities we do in Pro Esteros.
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Coastal wetlands are among the most productive ecosystems on the planet: In addition to providing shelter and food for many species of flora and fauna, they also benefit people living close to or dependent on them. However, globally these are disappearing. In the last 40 years, the area of wetlands has been reduced by 30%1 so their care, conservation and rational use is imperative.
With this in mind, at Pro Esteros we carry out research projects to acquire scientific bases to guide the conservation and sustainable management of wetlands, and transform that integral knowledge into environmental education projects, to then share this information with the user communities and beneficiaries of the wetlands, Which allows us to establish long-term relationships with them and to encourage them to be strengthened and participate in the analysis and decision making on the best use of them, through an adequate management.
1 WWF. 2016. Informe Planeta Vivo 2016. Riesgo y resiliencia en el Antropoceno. WWW International, Gland, Suiza
Through our activities we have developed research, management, education and community strengthening projects for the protection of the wetlands of Baja California.
Diagnosis and Restoration of Ramsar Wetlands of Baja California (2012)
Work was done on this project through an agreement between Pro Esteros and the Secretariat of Environmental Protection of Baja California.Studies for the monitoring, conservation and management of natural resources, 2012
Case study of environmental and socioeconomic management: Área de Protección de Flora y Fauna Cabo San Lucas.Economic Assessment of Ecosystem Services of Wetlands
This study analyzed the environmental services generated in four wetland systems in Baja California, Mexico. And it analyzes the institutional arrangements in the market that determine the use and conservation.
Bitácora del Humedal
It is a quarterly newsletter in which you can learn about wetlands, their importance and the activities that are carried out in Pro Esteros.
THE RAMSAR CONVENTION are vital to human survival. They are one of the most productive environments in the world, and are cradles of biological diversity and sources of water and primary productivity from which innumerable plant and animal species depend to survive.