Educational activities
At Pro Esteros we dedicate much of our effort to promoting the dissemination of information about the region’s wetlands and the relationship they have with our quality of life.
Our educational activities include:

“Tiburones Dorados de Bahía de los Ángeles” Photography Club
The Photography Club is currently integrated by: Alexander, Esteban, Fernanda, Frida, Gabriela, Gael, Hiroshi, Ivana, Joseph, José Ángel, Sebastián, Yael y Yarley and are led by José “El Güero” Arce, enthusiasts that began their activities in October 2015, during the National Week for Conservation organized by CONANP and continue to work and learn thanks to all who have supported this beautiful initiative of José Arce Smith.
The main objective of this project is to motivate and train children through workshops and field trips, in the correct use of the camera and the appropriate techniques to carry out nature photography.

Educational materials
We produce educational materials for the general public and Environmental Science teachers about the wetlands in our region. Here are some examples of our materials:
The Wetland, a living place
This colorful document, includes pictures, general information and activities about wetlands. It also provides specific information on the peninsula of Baja California. It is targeted at Elementary school children (ages 6-12) with the goal of teaching about wetlands in a fun way. This material is available in electronic format.

The Wetland, a vital link
The main objective of this material is to ensure students know and understand the processes that take place in the wetlands, and develop a sense of responsibility towards those ecosystems. We provide a teaching curriculum as well as workbooks for students. It is targeted for Secondary students (ages 12-15). This material is available in electronic format and spanish only.
This material is based on “M.A.R.S.H.” (Marsh Awareness and Resources for Slough Habitats).
Is this the link to add:
Black Brant International Monitoring Program
This educational program was developed in collaboration with organizations and agencies in Canada, the United States and Mexico. It is aimed at students ages 13-15 living within the Pacific Bird Migration Corridor. The objective is to generate a commitment of shared responsibility in the conservation of this species and its habitat. The colaboration involves schools in British Columbia, Canada; United States (Alaska, Washington, Oregon and California); And Mexico (San Quintin, Guerrero Negro, Punta Abreojos and San Ignacio).
Participants take field trips to observe the brant and its habitat; record information and share it with other students via the Internet. Students learn more about the brant through games and art activities and exchange experiences and materials through a package, known as the “Brant Box”, which “migrates” alongside the brant from one school in one country to another! Students may add to the box poems, drawings, crafts, photographs or anything related to the brant.

Least Tern Educational Program
This workshop was created with the aim of arousing the interest of children in living beings, the environment of wetlands and particularly the Least Tern. It is recommended for fifth and sixth grade elementary students. It is developed in several sessions, which deal with issues such as: ecosystems, migratory animals and the food chain, mainly focused on the Least Tern. The theoretical lessons are complemented with various activities and with one or two field trips, to visit the nesting area of the Least Tern.
The Gray Whale
Educational material aimed at teachers of secondary school, with the aim of publicizing the characteristics of the gray whale and the important function that some wetlands of the peninsula of Baja California have in their reproduction. This folder includes information about the life, migration and reproduction of this mammal, as well as a series of support activities related to the topics covered.

Multidisciplinary study of the main reproduction areas of the Gray Whale
This educational material is derived from a research project that aims to publicize the processes that are carried out in the coastal lagoons, and to consider the appropriate conditions for the environment and the animals that inhabit it. Particularly of the gray whale.
It includes topics of biology, physics and chemistry and aims to be a support material for secondary school teachers. It has a folder for the student and one for the teacher.