Diagnostic and Restoration of Ramsar Wetlands of Baja California (2012)
7 Ramsar sitesColaboration:
Secretaría de Protección al AmbienteState:
Baja California
Agreement for Wetlands
Work was done on this project through an agreement between Pro Esteros and the Secretariat of Environmental Protection of Baja California. It was recognized that along the coast of Baja California there are many relatively well conserved coastal wetlands, which serve as nesting, feeding and sheltering areas for a wide variety of birds, mammals, fish and plants; Including some endangered species (Martínez Ríos et al., 2005).
Ramsar Wetlands in Baja California
The Ramsar Sites for Baja California are the Wetlands of Laguna Hanson National Park Constitution of 1857, Wetlands of the Colorado River Delta, Wetlands System of the Colorado River Delta, Estero of Punta Banda, San Quintín Bay, Rasa Island and Coastal Corridor The Assembly-San Francisquito. Due to the loss of the surface of these ecosystems and the many factors that are impacting them, there is a need to generate information and implement conservation actions, to have options and strategies to ensure that under the state’s growth and development scenario, the biodiversity of wetlands and their functioning is maintained.
Diagnostic of Ramsar wetlands in our state
With this vision the project consisted in the realization of a diagnosis of the state of conservation of these wetlands, and consisted of the following components:
- Compilation of bibliographic information on studies and research carried out for Ramsar wetlands in the State, and identification of needs and information scarcity to promote adequate scientific information related to wetlands.
- Comprehensive Wetland Plan, which integrated the State Plan for Site Conservation for Ramsar Wetlands in the state, the Indicator Program for Monitoring the Comprehensive Plan and Management Programs for each of the Seven state Ramsar sites.
- Definition of interpretive trails and project of signage in each of the Ramsar wetlands of the State.
- Pilot program for the removal of exotic vegetation in the Estero of Punta Banda, joint with the Design of an Interpretative visitor’s center in the Punta Banda estuary.