The objective is change the perception and attitude of different sectors of society about natural areas, informing about their ecological value and the importance of conserving the resources, goods and services they provide for the development of the population that lives around them.
6 years (2008-2014)

Project description
“San Quintin our resource is to take care of it” was a campaign of social marketing, elaborated under a rigorous process of planning initiated in the month of October of the year 2008 with the training and support of Rare Conservation ( During this planning process a diagnosis of the social and ecological conditions of the area was carried out, based on bibliographical research, surveys, interviews and a participatory workshop with representatives of different sectors of society. This diagnosis served as the basis for the design of the campaign.
The project was well received by the society, adding all the local mass media (XEQIN radio station, Local Television Channel, newspapers: El Vigía, El Mexicano and Volcanes). The government sector, academic institutions at the elementary, middle and high school level, as well as the private sector, also collaborated and supported the actions of the campaign, expressing their strong support for spreading and protecting the natural wealth of San Quintin.
There were important changes in the attitude of the community of San Quintín towards the care of nature. For example, the number of people who identify nature as an element that gives identity and pride to San Quintin increased significantly.
The conservation of the natural wealth of San Quintín was promoted, using different means of communication and carrying out different activities with the community, such as: the creation of Branti (motley), a radio program, local television interviews, coastal cleanings, news and press releases, facebook, an electronic gazette, visits to schools, guided visits to the natural areas, photographic shows, talks and conferences , Workshops, elaboration and diffusion of a documentary, and use of promotional materials (Caps, posters, t-shirts, calendar, key rings, blanket bags, bracelets).